Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

Studio report Day 3 @ Empire Studio

Day 3 2010-03-13

10.00 am. Saturday morning and we are going back to the studio. First we gotta pick up a Marshall cabinet (1960 BX) that we borrowed from a good friend of ours to achieve the perfect guitar tone.

11.00 am. The recording of the first song of the day starts after warming up.

2:00 pm. Three songs are recorded today. We are feeling hungry as hell, so we have to go to the store for some food and we end up at Restaurant Tages on the same island as the studio.

3.30 pm. Once again I grab hold of my drumsticks and record two more songs.

5.00 pm. Feeling kind of tired of pounding drums for now. Have to gain some energy for tomorrow and finish the job then. Marcus is trying out some more guitar tone with the new Marshall Cab. And it sounds like really heavy!!.

Songs recorded:
– Goodbye Farewell
– The God Delusion
– Gate Guard
– “obecity boys” (working title, because it’s so heavy)
– Killed Stuffed Hung On The Wall

/ Arttu

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Posted by Souldrainer | Filed in Recording, Studio Report

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